Participate in Saturday Science-Saturday, August 4, 2018

UW Carbone is excited to collaborate on Saturday Science, Saturday, August 4 (10 am-12 pm) at the Discovery Building, and we need YOU to make it a success!

Saturday Science ( is a monthly series that features interactive exploration stations. Families and learners of all ages are invited to explore hands-on science fun during this free drop-in event.  Attendance averages around 600 people, including children, parents, grandparents, and community members.

Here’s how you can help participate as we showcase UW Carbone as a statewide cancer resource:

  • Think about an interactive way to highlight your research, treatment or educational initiative. You can participate in a group or run your own station. Even if you just have an idea or an interest in participating, that’s a great start! The Saturday Science team has the tools in place to help you share your passion through a great interactive station.
  • By Monday, May 7, please contact Sarah Perdue ( to let her know if you are willing to host a hands-on, tabletop exploration station (think fun, think interactive, think families!). If you have a general topic for your station, please send that, too.
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