Conversational Skills for International Postdocs

Conversational Skills for International Postdocs

Socializing in English: Conversational Skills for International Postdocs

Starting a conversation in English can be challenging when it’s not your first language.

Following up on the feedback from the most recent survey conducted by the UW-Madison Postdoctoral Association (UWPA), the UWPA international committee is planning to organize sessions for postdocs who would like to practice and improve their conversational and socializing skills in English (e.g. how to start a conversations, how to keep conversations going, how to suggest a social outing).

We plan to meet 1-2 times a month in an informal setting (e.g., in a cafe), in small groups of 4-6 postdocs. If you are interested, please email Bipana Bantawa ( with specific areas of conversational skills you would like to improve.