40th Steenbock Symposium Registration Ends on 05/31/2018

Epiphanies In and Beyond the RNA World

40th Steenbock Symposium – Jun 15, 2018
Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery

Photo of Marv WickensEpiphanies in and beyond the RNA World” will honor our friend and colleague, Professor Marvin Wickens, a leading RNA researcher, former President of the RNA Society and dedicated mentor and educator. Marv has been a valued member of the Biochemistry Department at UW-Madison for 35 years.

The Symposium will highlight transformative moments in science from personal perspectives. Leading scientists from around the world will describe their “epiphanies” –– flashes of insight that helped propel them toward discovery. Topics will range widely, but many will center on breakthroughs in the RNA world.

To Register:  https://uwccs.eventsair.com/steenbock/p15reg/Site/Register