38th Annual MRC-SOT Spring Meeting ~ May 18, 2018

38th Annual MRC-SOT Spring Meeting ~ May 18, 2018

Doubletree by Hilton, Mundelein Illinois

 Plans for the 38th Annual Spring Meeting of the Midwest Regional Chapter of SOT (MRC-SOT) are being finalized. The meeting will be held on Friday, May 18th at the Doubletree by Hilton hotel in Mundelein, IL. The first part of the meeting will focus on “Strategic Plans for Using Alternative Methods in Toxicology”. The second part of the meeting is a career outreach workshop. A panel of speakers from industry and academics will share information and case studies about their expertise, the type of work they do, and how they positioned themselves for their career. A copy of the program along with the registration form and directions to the meeting site can be found on Pages 3-5 in the announcement (MRC SOT Spring 2018 Program-v6).

In addition, the meeting will also include presentations of the Young Investigator Award, Midwest Best Student Publication Award, Early Career Toxicologist Award, and the Kenneth P. Dubois Career Achievement Award, as well as a poster session featuring the annual Victor A. Drill student research competition. The winner will receive funds to be used for travel or accommodations expenses or toxicology textbooks.

All students and post-docs affiliated with institutions in the MRC’s geographical region are encouraged to submit abstracts for the poster competition. The abstracts and posters may be on work that was also presented at the 2018 national SOT meeting.

The Awards Committee is also soliciting applications for the MRC Young Investigators Award and Best Publications Award, as well as nominations for the Kenneth Dubois Career Award, and Early Career Toxicologist Award for our Spring 2018 meeting. Information regarding all awards offered and the application/nomination processes can be found on the MRC-SOT website (http://www.toxicology.org/groups/rc/midwest/index.asp) and on Pages 6-9 of this announcement (MRC SOT Spring 2018 Program-v6).