CAREER Proposal Workshop: Writing Your Research and Education Plan

Monday, June 4, 2018

9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

H.F. DeLuca Forum, Discovery Building

Registration is required online:

“This workshop was incredibly helpful to me last year, and I think the connections I made through it were a major reason why my CAREER proposal was funded (after two unsuccessful tries at my previous institution).”
           –Richard Lankau, Asst. Professor, Plant Pathology

The National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program offers the foundation’s most prestigious awards. It supports junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education, and the integration of education and research. All CAREER proposals must have an integrated research and education plan at their core, and this workshop will help you think creatively about how your plan can reflect your own disciplinary and educational interests and goals, as well as the needs and context of your organization. During the workshop, you will discuss strategies for writing a successful education plan, listen to faculty who have submitted successful proposals as they share their tips and insights on the review process, and start drafting your proposal. The workshop is designed for new faculty preparing to submit proposals in all fields of science, engineering, and mathematics.

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