Spring 2019 Delta Program Course Registration

Spring 2019 Course Registration is Now Open!

This spring, the Delta Program will offer the following courses. For more information and to register, click on the course titles below.

Teaching in Science and Engineering: The College Classroom
Thursdays, 10:30 am-12:30 pm (2 credits, EPD 654)
Develop foundational knowledge of a evidence-based pedagogical practices, explore how excellence and diversity are intertwined, and practice new teaching approaches in a supportive environment.

Teaching in the Arts and Humanities: The College Classroom
Fridays, 9:00-11:00 am (2 credits, EPD 690)
Develop foundational knowledge of a evidence-based pedagogical practices, explore how excellence and diversity are intertwined, and practice new teaching approaches in a supportive environment.

Improv to Improve Science Communication and Teaching
Wednesdays, 2:00-4:00 pm (1 credit, EPD 690)
Use the principles of improv theater to improve your communication in various contexts, including talking with colleagues, presenting your research to different audiences, and teaching in the classroom.

Research Mentor Training (offered in collaboration with WISCIENCE)
Section 1:Wednesdays, 1:20-2:10 pm (1 credit, CBE 562)
Section 2: TBD (1 credit, INTEG SCI 660)
Explore different mentoring styles and strategies for developing confidence, independence, creativity, and communication skills in your current and future mentees.

The Ultimate Active Learning: Using Writing to Teach in Any Discipline
Mondays, 3:00-4:30 pm (1 credit, EPD 690)
Learn how to use writing to promote students’ active learning, while maximizing your own time, in any disciplinary or course context.

Exploring Practices in the Classroom (EPIC): A Learning Community for TAs
Section 1: Tuesdays, 9:30-10:30 am (1 credit, EPD 690)
Section 2: Thursdays, 11:00 am-12:00 pm (1 credit, EPD 690)
For new or experienced TAs: develop an effective, inclusive teaching practice as well as navigate teaching challenges as they emerge throughout the semester.

Informal Science Education
Mondays, 1:20-3:30 pm (2 credits, EMA 601)
Explore the learning process, the needs and learning styles of children, techniques for engaging young people in the process of science, means of evaluating informal learning experiences, and techniques for reflecting on their own learning from community service experiences.

Delta Teaching Practicum
Thursdays, 12:30-2:00 pm (2 credits, EPD 690)
Participants shape a teaching plan and complete a small-scale (approximately one week/course unit), mentored teaching experience.

Internship Seminar
Tuesdays, 12:30-2:00 pm (1 credit, ELPA 502)
Develop real-world skills to address a challenge in student learning and improve teaching and learning environments through innovative Teaching-As-Research projects.