Sophomore Research Fellowships support undergraduate research done in collaboration with UW–Madison faculty or research/instructional academic staff. The student researcher receives $2,500, and the faculty/staff research advisor receives $500 to help offset research costs. At the time of application, the student must be a sophomore, a freshman who will have more than 24 credits after May 2019, or a transfer student in their first year of attendance at UW-Madison. The application deadline is March 1, 2019. Directions for accessing the on-line application, eligibility and selection criteria can be found at the UAA website.
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Hilldale Undergraduate/Faculty Research Fellowships and
Holstrom Environmental Scholarships provide support for collaborative research between undergraduate students and faculty or research/instructional academic staff members. The student researcher receives $3,000, and the faculty/staff receives $1,000 to help offset research costs. Students must have at least junior standing at the time of application. The Holstrom Scholarships require an environmental focus. The McPherson Eye Research Institute will continue to sponsor one additional Hilldale Fellowship for vision based research (including bioengineering, imaging, data visualization, ophthalmology and general biology of the eye). The application deadline is February 11, 2019. Directions for accessing the on-line application, eligibility and selection criteria, and FAQs can be found at the UAA website.
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Wisconsin Idea Undergraduate Fellowships are awarded to undergraduate students to develop and implement community-based research or service-learning projects that will meet a community identified need (local, national or international) under the supervision of a UW-Madison faculty or instructional academic staff member. Fellowships provide three (3) academic credits, a program implementation budget of up to $5,000 to an individual student and up to $7,000 for a group of up to five students. If desired, students can designated a portion of their funds as a scholarship, to be administered through the Bursar’s Office. The application deadline for 2019-20 fellowships is February 8, 2019. The on-line application, instructions and FAQs can be found on the Morgridge Center for Public Service website.
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University Book Store Academic Excellence Awards provide $1,000 to undergraduate students who have distinguished themselves by completing outstanding projects, such as a senior thesis, at UW-Madison. Students must be enrolled in a degree program during the 2018-19 academic year (December 2018 graduates may apply). Applications are due March 18, 2019. Directions for accessing the on-line application, eligibility and selection criteria can be found at the UAA website.
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