As a Delta intern, you develop teaching skills based on your professional goals and interests. Each semester, the Delta internship program supports a new cohort of postdocs and graduate students who partner with faculty and staff to improve student learning and learning environments through innovative, small-scale projects applying what you’ve learned in your course. These projects can take place at UW–Madison or beyond.
One course in teaching and learning is a prerequisite for completing an internship. The course can be taken over the summer, and they find that those who take a course with their project in mind have rewarding internship experiences (summer and fall courses are here).
Interested? Consider attending the following workshop(s):
- Pre-Internship Workshop: Finding a Project
Wednesday 4/17 9:30am-11:00am. Register here.
Want to attend, but can’t make that time? Complete form here. - Pre-Internship Workshop: Developing Your Project
Wednesday 5/1 9:30am-12:30pm. Register here.
Want to attend, but can’t make that time? Complete form here.
Program overview here. Questions? Contact Devin Wixon (