SilverCloud. SilverCloud is a self-guided mental health resource that provides treatment options 24 hours a day, no referral from a mental health or medical provider needed. It includes evidence-based learning modules on anxiety, depression, body image, and stress, designed to help students manage day-to-day stresses and improve resilience.
24-hour Crisis Services. UHS provides a 24-hour mental health crisis help line. On-call crisis counselors can help address your most pressing concerns, address your safety, and help you connect with follow-up service needs. It’s available every day, including weekends, holidays, and semester breaks. If you are concerned for your own well-being or the well-being of someone you know, call the UHS crisis line at 608-265-5600. For situations that are immediately life-threatening, call 911.
For more mental health resources, visit the UHS website on mental health.