“Punch Up” Your Presentations: Storytelling Skills for Life and Work (NEW!)
Thursday, March 5, 4:00–6:00pm
Whether your audience is one person or many, storytelling skills can bring your information to life and better engage your listeners. Learn from pro facilitators Mark Burns and Piero Procaccini how to construct your desired narrative and improve your presentation skills in both formal and informal situations.
Register here: https://go.wisc.edu/po90z2
Webinar: Tax Tips for Graduate Students (NEW!)
Thursday, March 5, 1:00–3:00pm (Online)
Join presenters from the Wisconsin Department of Revenue for a webinar exploring the how-to’s of filing Wisconsin state income taxes, including information specific to residents, nonresidents, part-year residents, fellows, and tax deductions specific to graduate students.
Register here: https://go.wisc.edu/1r505u
Representing Your Data: How to Design Compelling Visuals (NEW!)
Tuesday, March 10, Noon–1:30pm
DesignLab’s Mandy Morrow will discuss the Conceptual, Aesthetic, and Technical aspects of how to effectively visualize data for your audience. Explore what not to do and leave with strategies for translating numbers into images.
Register here: https://go.wisc.edu/rdzt35
March NCFDD Webinars:
How to Develop a Daily Writing Practice
Thursday, March 12, 1:00–2:30pm (Online)
Activate your free (UW-Madison) membership or sign in to watch the webinar here: https://go.wisc.edu/574r83
How to Challenge Race and Gender Bias in Student Evaluations
Tuesday, March 24, 1:00–2:00pm (Online)
Activate your free (UW-Madison) membership or sign in to watch the webinar here: https://go.wisc.edu/w81x03
Please see the Graduate School Events Calendar for a campus-wide list of professional development events for graduate students: http://grad.wisc.edu/pd/events/.