Will teaching be part of your future career? Before the busy spring semester kicks into gear, the Delta Program is offering interactive online workshops to develop core teaching skills. These workshops will be valuable whether you are teaching this upcoming semester or preparing for your future career.
Using Learning Objectives to Drive Instruction Tuesday, January 18, 9:30am – 11:00am Online Effective teaching requires first deciding the intended result: what you want your students to learn. This workshop offers a hands-on approach to drafting measurable, student-centered learning outcomes that will help you create inclusive and effective lesson plans.
Office Hours (Remote and Onsite) That Students Use
Thursday, January 20, 9:30am – 11:30am
Online Office hours provide an invaluable opportunity for instructor-student interaction. Whether running office hours onsite or remotely, you’ll explore how to structure and communicate about them to promote your students’ engagement and success.Teaching Inclusively from the First Day of Class Thursday, January 20, 12:30pm – 2:00pm Online Research demonstrates that building a student’s sense of belongingness is key to their academic success. Set expectations — and make a great impression — starting on day one.
Designing and Facilitating Effective Discussions Friday, January 21, 1:00pm – 3:00pm Online Discussions can engage learners in deeper thinking, foster community, and promote student motivation. In this workshop, you will develop a toolbox to design classroom discussions and facilitate learning communities.
If you are looking for deeper teaching and research mentoring professional development, join a Delta course! Below are just a few of our courses now registering; see all of Delta’s upcoming courses here.
Build an Inclusive Canvas Dream Course Thursdays, 1:00pm – 3:00pm, starting January 27 Online Hone your teaching style and gain a solid foundation in the learning sciences, while creating an effective Canvas course that is inclusive and equitable for students. No prior teaching or technology experience is required.
Exploring Practices in the Classroom (EPIC): A learning community of TAs Wednesdays, 9:00am – 10:00am, starting February 2 445 Henry Mall, Room 117 (WISCIENCE) This interdisciplinary learning community of TAs will help you develop as an effective, inclusive teacher, while working together to learn from and navigate teaching challenges as they emerge throughout the semester.
Improv to Improve Science Communication and Teaching Tuesdays, 1:00pm – 3:00pm starting January 25 Material Science and Engineering Building, Room 265 Use the principles of improv theater to improve your communication in multiple contexts and audiences, including talking with colleagues, presenting your research, and teaching in the classroom.
Research Mentor Training Wednesdays, 2:25pm – 3:15pm, starting January 26 Section 2 in 3032 Engineering Hall (other sections currently running a waitlist) Based on a nationally-recognized curriculum, this course gives you space to explore strategies to become a more effective, culturally responsive mentor and discuss mentoring challenges as they arise.
Questions, suggestions? Contact us at info@delta.wisc.edu.